Monday, September 25, 2006

This past weekend we (Kat, Jacque, and I) went down to Vancouver, WA to see my grandparents and so that my family could have a chance to see Jacque before she got to big.
She was held by great-grandparents, 4 great-aunts, 1 great-uncle, and 2 cousins. Of course every hold was supervised by her grandma, "mama", and her older sister. She enjoyed all the attention that was showered upon her. She also now thinks that talking is just opening her mouth really wide and then closing it. No sounds come out though.
Also this past week Jacque had her first bath in her little tub. She really likes being in the water. Kat likes to stand right at the tub and make sure everything is going just right. In fact Kat like to make sure that her little sister is happy no matter where she is, Kat will provide the entertainment. Jacque reconizes her sister's voice and will look in that direction and kind of smile.


Sara, Brady and Elliott said...

Your girls are so pretty! I love that Kat is such a good big sister. We knew she would be!

Anonymous said...

HI - I couldn't get a comment on Jeff's so I will try on yours. Tell Kat congratulations. Hope you have a good party tomorrow. It is absolutely beautiful here. I wish I had tho of taking my nap ourside on the hammock but now I must get to work on the school stuff. How very exciting you are coming down for T-day. Hugs and kisses to you all, Auntie Sherrie