Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ah, the joys of having a three year old. Kat is more bossy and you can now understand all of her commands. For example when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her she was telling everyone to stop, hand gestures and all. That was after we had lit her candles three times. She kept blowing them out before we could sing to her. She also loved getting birthday presents. After she had opened her last one she asked for "more please". But with the whole pinata thing, she was like, whatever. She was happy to get the candy after someone else broke it.
Jacque is getting bigger, clothing that is newborn doesn't fit and some of the 0-3 months stuff doesn't fit either. In fact size two diapers are on the next shopping list. She has her 2 months check up on the 2nd of Nov. It will be interesting to see which percentile she is in. Kat, at her three year check-up, is in the 25% for weight(29lbs) and about the 15% (3 feet)for heighth. Her little sister is going to out grow her, or so we think.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful party. The pictures are so cute!
Your Mom said that Deb + 3 boys came over and the Ed too!
Looking fwd to seeing you.
Daniel and Amy were home this wkend. It was nice to have them. Since Daniel says he wants to go to Japan, Amy and I got Japanese sort of gifts. It was fun.
Looking fwd to seeing all of you.
Love, Auntie Sherrie

Sara, Brady and Elliott said...

Happy Birthday Kat! It looks like she had a great time. And Jacque is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jacque is darling! And Kat has grown a lot. It is really nice to see those pictures.

Fresh air and cigars don't exactly go together, Geoff, but it looks like the resort was a really pretty spot :)

Just, Auntie Tammie