Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Well, this past month has been busy. We got Jacque's ears pierced at the beginning of the month. She did very well. She didn't scream as much as Kat did. She was more upset that Geoff had to hold her tight. After he let her go she stopped crying.
After weeks of rain we got predictions of snow right before Thanksgiving. As we were driving down there was some snow already high up on the hills. Of course with all of the rain the waterfalls were very full and beautiful.
We finally got snow on Sunday night here in Tacoma. So driving has turned even worse. Geoff didn't have to go into work untill 0830 today because there was even more snow and of course anything that had melted yesterday was now ice today.
Kat went out to play in the snow. She didn't last out there very long before it got to cold for her. She hasn't had very many chances to play or really see snow in her short life, so she isn't too sure what to do with it.


Anonymous said...

Hi my dears,
So you have snow! It is too bad we just can't enjoy it and not drive in it.
Very good to see all of you
Lots of love
Auntie Sherrie

JPAL said...

hi! Very cute pictures. It was fun to be with you on Thanksgiving Day. It was sure a rainy icky drive home that thursday night for us. Then sunday there was snow in The Dalles and Lucy and Alanna got to play in it before Loren and Amy brought them home. We might have freezing rain tonight. Love, us Udings

JPAL said...

For some reason it didn't post my comments! Will try again. It was fun to see you all at Thanksgiving. Alanna and Lucy had fun staying behind without their parents! They got to play in the snow on sunday morning and then Uncle Loren and Amy brought them back to Portland.
Very cute pictures!!!