Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Well both girls had their birthday. Jacque loved her cake and Kat loved looking at her cake, lol. Jacque celebrated her's a little early so that her daddy could be there for it. And Kat had to do her's just a little late. I couldn't get leave early enough to be home for it. All in all though they had a great time
Kat is learning how to write and count at school, she loves it there. Jacque is walking trying to run but still too wobbly for it. She has been biting at daycare so I have a meeting with the directors next week to figure out how to stop it. She doesn't do it at home but at daycare it might be like 5 times a day. So other then that not much is happening.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Well it has been a long while since we last posted. Sorry about the length of time but we have been very busy. In the last month Kat has got new glasses, she can see much better now and her left eye does what it is suppose to. Jacque is still growing bigger. She is a very happy baby. Geoff's mom and sister Kelli came for a short visit. Natalie is back in the Army. Well just wanted to give a quick summery. We will post more later.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Well it has been a very long time since I added anything to our blog, so I figured that I should before both girls graduate from high school. ;)
Jacque has been trying to eat us out of house and home. When she finally found a formula that she liked she started to drink about 16 - 24 oz a day, 4 oz at a time. Now she is drinking 7 to 8 oz at a time, she loves her food. So we have started her on some solids, green beans, sweet potatoes, and cereal. Most of the time I can't get it to her mouth fast enough. She has her 4 month check up on the 19th of this month so we will see where she is at.
Kat is as crazy as ever. She loved going to her Papa's house for Christmas. Both of the girls were great on the plane trip down there. Jacque slept most of the time and Kat played and slept. We were lucky our plane went through Phoneix instead of Colorado. We missed the snow storm, YEAH.
It was very relaxing to be in NM. Geoff ran me several times but still was nice to be there, lol. The whole time we were there it was sunny unlike the weather back in WA.