Thursday, October 09, 2008

Jacque is now the big 2. Starting the potty training thing but she isn't too interested in it as a regular thing. Last night though she did ask to go potty, but it just ended up a sitting for a little bit and then wipe and flush. She has all of the steps down just not always the action that goes with it, lol.

She is also my little parrot. Not only does she repeat what you say she says it about three or four times. Have to watch what I say, I don't want another "stupid people" incident like I did with Kat.

Since I have been home, we have been very busy. First there was moving into our new place and then there was Jacque's second birthday. Of course we had no furniture so the made the house seem kind of empty, good thing there is a park right by the house and they have picnic tables so we had some place to eat the cake and open presents. Auntie Sherrie, Amy, Elisa, Auntie Pammie, Alanna, Lucy, Uncle Ed, Kobe, Eddie, and Emidio were all there. It was a beautiful day.

About two weeks later Kat, Jacque and I went down to see everyone down south. We spent one night at G & G's and then one night at each of the aunts houses. Amy, the girls and I went shopping at the mall. Always very fun. On the 24th of Sept the girls started their new daycare on post. We were very lucky to have gotten spots so quickly there. They seem to really like there. The first week there went very smoothly, no crying from Jacque when I dropped her off plus no biting from her either. Kat made friends very quickly and was talking about them like she had know them for ever, lol. Unfortunately with Jacque she is back up to her old tricks and bites about every day. So... we will see what will happen with that. I hope that we can figure something out soon.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Wow, there has been so much that has happened since the last time that I posted. Lets see, Jacque got kicked out of one daycare for biting. So my mom watched her for about a month. She found one that would take a known biter, lol. Kat started pre-school and loves it. She also has dance, gymnastics, and swimming at her school. She had her first dance recital last Friday. I can't wait to see the video that Tanya took of it. She is quite the writer now, writing her name and her friends names. Counting up to 20 and knows her alphabet too. Jacque on the other hand is proving to be a bit accident prone. She has had two trips to the emergency room this past month. One was at school she got pushed and hit her head on the corner of a door(possible retaliation for biting, lol). A bit of glue later and she got sent home. Then almost two weeks ago she fell at my mom's and broke her radial bone in her hand/wrist. It turns out that it was a green stick fracture and so she now has a cast on it for the next three weeks. She acts like it has always been in a cast and has no problems with it. Both times at the hospital she just sat and watched what was going on, she was very good.